Many people look to the pet store when it comes to purchasing their first pet or an addition to their family. However, even though pet stores have been around for many, many years some people have never set foot into one, or really have no idea what it can offer. In a pet shop, you can find several different animals. In general, they only keep smaller animals; you will likely not find many stores that offer horses or other very large pets.
In most cases, you can find a host of smaller animals. You will always find a great number of cats and dogs. Generally, these will be kittens and puppies; it is unlikely that you will find older pets. You will also find some birds of many different species, lizards, snakes, fish, hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, and even spiders. Many children take great joy in walking into a pet shop and being able to pet the animals or talk to the birds, in hopes they will talk back.
However, animals are not all you will find here. You will find all the supplies you need to take care of your new pet or one you have had for years. You can find food for a variety of different animals, as well as aquariums, or other housing you may need for your pet.
You will even find things to help you take care of sick animals or fun toys to play with your pet. To put it plainly, no matter what you need for your pet, the pet store will have it. The pets are kept in cages for a good part of the time, especially when the pet shop is closed for the evening.
However, these animals are often loved just as much as the pets the employees have at home. During the day, you will often find a few animals running around the store or playing in areas of the store getting some playtime with visitors and employees. They are adequately cared for and are given any shots or examinations needed by a veterinarian that the shop employs. But this is not the case everywhere. A majority of pet shops keep animals in pathetic condition and treat the caged animals cruelly. It is always advisable to get a pet from a licensed store like the USDA.
A USDA pet shop buys its pets only from breeders who are USDA licensed and meet the criteria set forth by the AWA. This means that you are getting a pet that has come from a licensed breeder that is required by law to maintain the proper facilities and veterinary care for those animals. The USDA inspects these breeders often and violations carry strict penalties. Summary: Many people look to the pet store when it comes time to purchase their first pet or an addition to their family. However, even though pet stores have been around for many, many years some people have never set foot into one, or really have no idea what it can offer.
Brooke Hayles
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